Hi, my name is Steve. I am a software engineer who loves to build applications to solve problems and make our lives more fun!

Having studied mobile app development myself in the past, I attended a coding school where I learned full stack development. Collaborating with the instructors and classmates were a lot of fun, and I am happy that I got the perfect scores for all quizzes and assignments during the eight-month program. It has been a great joy to learn and use the technologies I learn. I would love to continue learning new skills.

Life and Future

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English 4.0 (Under Development)

Description: A website for Japanese people learning business English (Vocabulary and Grammar). It is built using Next.js framework. For the back end, Firebase auth and database are used.

Rebuild Electronics
React App
React Native App
Bootstrap page

Description: A project which was built for simulated E-commerce service. 2 versions of websites were built using Bootstrap and React. The state management was done using Redux. A mobile app version was made using React Native with TypeScript. The server side was built using Express and MongoDB.

HayaTan (Vocabulary Learning iOS App)
Vocab screen
Unit list
Google login page

Description: An iOS app for Japanese students learning business English vocabulary on iPads. Users can register/login using a Google account and study vocabulary in 5 units containing more than 1000 English words (unit 5 being the most advanced). The words are saved in the Google firebase store, and each user's missed words will be recorded in the store. The app was built using SwiftUI.

Old Projects
School Projects

HTML5CSS/SASSJavaScriptBootstrapjQueryReact.jsNext.jsNPM/YarnJSX/TSXVisual Studio CodeVisual Studio
React NativeExpoJavaSwiftSQLiteXCodeAndroid Studio
Node.jsExpress.jsJWT/PassportRest API
PostgresSQL Serverfile_type_mongoMongoDB/MongooseMySQL
TypeScriptDocker/Docker-composeFirebaseGit/Git flowGithub/BitbucketBashMicrosoft Word/Excel/MacroWordPress
Japanese - Native

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